Friday, October 03, 2008

Interview questions we hate

It's no secret I have been looking for a job for the past, eh, three months or so, and FYI,looking for a job sucks. But what sucks even more are those retarded interview questions! You all know the ones I'm talking about: 'How would you describe excellent customer service?' 'Tell me about yourself' 'Tell me about a time when.....' and the absolute dreaded question 'Where do you see yourself in 5 years'. I always get tripped up on this question because where I honestly want to see myself in 5 years is laying on the beach with my Latin lover sipping cocktails and planning my next international trip, but I don't really think that answer will fly! So, what do you say? I never really know and I make something up at the time that involves the words: advancing, successful, your company. So, really, how are you supposed to answer that question? Tips anyone?! Anyway, I found this comic today when I was reading through the funny and politically incorrect Married To The Sea website and I thought it was perfect and I think I'm probably going to use this line in my next interview just to see if the employer can take a joke. Hey, don't they say that not only are you the interviewee, you're also the interviewer? I have to know that the company that I may potentially be working for will fit my personality!! So, for all of you who know where I am coming from, enjoy!! And remember, the truth might be hard to take, but ultimately, it's what you gotta hear(or speak).

Married To The Sea

p.s. I think after I say 'vacation approved' I'm going to add the word 'bitches'! Gets 'em every time!

1 comment:

KiraDanielle said...
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