Friday, October 10, 2008

I hope you know what you are doing

I'm a little confused. I don't really understand finances that much, but it's hard to avoid the fact that our market is not doing so well in the money department...mainly because I can't watch SNL without being forced to see a skit about politics or money...geesh, the nerve! For some of us, Ignorance is Bliss, and I watch TV for entertainment, not for education... can I get an Amen?!* Seriously, someone should get this situation under control, because my IRA is loosing money.
Apparently, if we are to believe politicians, Obama and McCain both have a plan to get us out of this mess, which I'm ALL for... I just want to go back to watching funny stuff on TV again... so boys, I hope you know what you're doing, because I can't take much more of this!

Anyway, in honor of this horrible financial crisis, I have a funny comic to share with you, once again thanks to Married to the Sea. Those kids are just so funny!

Married To The Sea

And remember, if you think this is bad, just wait.

*I'm not actually serious!

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