Saturday, May 05, 2007

Who ate the cupcakes and other funny tales

I recently rearranged my box of an apartment so that my chair is next to the ledge attached to my kitchen counter which is supposed to be sort of my kitchen table. Anyway, Willow has decided this is a great way for him to get up on the counter top, so when i have been lazy and I leave food sitting out on the counter, he sneaks up there and eats it when i'm not looking. He's so smart! The other day, I came home for lunch and got out the cupcakes I had made a few nights before. I was in a hurry and i accidently left them on the counter, uncovered. When I came back from work at the end of the day, Willow had licked off all the frosting and had managed to capture one of the cupcakes in his mouth and carry into the living room, where i found it lying on the floor!! You gotta love a puppy who loves frosting :)

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