Tuesday, May 29, 2007

oh, just cry me a river!


a part of me can never forget:
especially tonight
when the wind, blowing through my window
caught me off guard
and with my eyes closed
and breathing deeply the scent
there he was,
plain as day.

i don't think God meant it to be like this:
where memories are like nightmares
or open scabs,
and the vividness steals sleep
and the ghosts linger in the stillness
whispering deceit.
no- i don't think He meant that.


it's the silence that screams the most-
that wakes me up early
and whispers to me late;
it dances around me like a nymph
taunting me with closed lips;
and rings in my ears
'til i'm deaf.
the silence
stopping me dead in my tracks
playing tricks with my mind
i can hear it so loud.

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