Thursday, May 17, 2007


Ok.. Coolest thing ever! I was reading through a newsletter from my grad department about events and opportunities and I scanned past an article about some person from the IU Medical School at Indianapolis taking a trip to this college in Kenya called Moi. I thought it was interesting, so I read through it and apparently the IUPUI University Library has started an initiative with the University Library at Moi, which I think is really cool. So, as I continue to read, I notice that they mention the possibility of doing a staff exchange with staff at Moi and UL. So, now I'm really super excited! I don't work at UL or anything, but still it's cool! So, at the end of the article it gives the name and email address of the Development Coordinator at IUPUI Library and says to contact her if there are any questions. I don't think much of it until later on in the day I started thinking about internships. And, suddenly I thought: how cool would it be to do an internship in Africa?!?! So, I sent an email to the woman named in the article and asked if there were any ideas for internships with the Moi library. She emailed be back today and said that there weren't any at this present time, but the possiblity was there. She asked me to send her my resume and she would keep me posted about opportunities that might arise!! Now, I know that this is really a shot in the dark and the chances of me actually doing in internship in Africa are probably pretty slim, but still... how incredible would that be!? Dream with me, people!! Spending 2 or 3 months in Africa would be the most amazing thing that could happen!!! Keep your fingers crossed :)
Here is the link to the library:

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