Thursday, October 16, 2008

I love you, Peytie

Dear Peyton,
You don't really know me, but I know you pretty well. And, it's kind of like we do know each other because I used to live in Indianapolis, really close to the RCA Dome where you used to play before they built Lucas Oil Stadium. I also worked in Greenwood, IN where I know you have a house...but you never came into the library to visit me, bummer. I also have sort of touched you because this one time my parents were at a Ghost Town in Arizona at the exact same time that Tony Dungy, your head coach, was there and my parents got to meet him and shake his hand. It's kinda like I was shaking your hand because I know that you must shake hands with Tony and I touch my parents hands, huh?! Plus, one of my friends has this friend who was at a bar one time and you and your buddies came in to the bar after one of your football games and he gave you a high-five! So, we are practically best friends! (that guy also said that you had really soft that a QB thing or something?!)
Anyway, I'm writing you this letter because I wanted to tell you how sorry I am that I'm not able to see very many of your games this year. You know how I used to live in Indy? Well, now I'm living in Phoenix, AZ and apparently more people in Indy watch the Colts than they do in Phoenix, which is super disappointing and I probably would have waited to move until after football season if I had been made aware of this situation. I did, however, get to watch the first game of the season on Direct TV Sports Package, but I have to tell you, friend to friend, that really wasn't one of your best games, I was a little upset with you and had to turn the game off before the end (which I've NEVER done in my life!). But anyway, I really hate that I don't get to watch you ever Sunday. I do sit in front of my computer watching the play-by-play, but frankly I don't really understand it and it's a little more difficult to follow than watching the actual game (do you think maybe you could explain it to me over coffee sometime?!). Also, I don't get to watch you throw the ball, which is really the highlight of the game in the first place. Do you think you could maybe talk to the broadcast people out here and convince them to show more Colts games instead of the stupid Bears?! (I don't really hate the Bears, I threw that in because of how badly they beat you in the first game.) The good thing is, though, that I can see some of the game replayed when I'm working out at the gym because every TV is on's really the only reason I go!
Well, I just wanted you to know that I was really impressed with your style last Sunday. You must be feeling much more confident now since your surgery. I'm sorry I didn't send you a card or flowers when you were in the hospital. I didn't find out about it until the first game.
Anyway, keep up the good work, because I will be paying attention to the games and I know you don't want to disappoint me! Say hi to Ashley for me. I heard that you two might be getting a divorce? Please tell me that's just gossip. Can't wait to hear from you!

Your's Truly,



KiraDanielle said...
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sunflowerb said...
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