Tuesday, August 23, 2005

What's the Attraction?

I must admit, I'm jealous. In all my surfing across the great wide cyber space i've come to notice that there are certain people who gain more attention just because of their beauty. They could be the dumbest people in the entire world and would not even be noticed if not for their beautiful hair and flawless skin, perfect makeup and fashion sense. Of course this isn't just true online, but anywhere one would find oneself, and I know this is an age-old problem... the beautiful girls are always picked over the plain looking ones even if they have no personality. So, why is this just beginning to bother me now?! And why should it bother me at all? I have a boyfriend who adores me, thinks i'm beautiful and funny (sometimes)... so the attention that other girls get shouldn't bother me, right? WRONG.

I guess I'm going to have to be brutally honest here. I secretly want to be the most attractive person in the world... there, i admitted it! I secretly want guys to gush over me and drop anything and everything so that I am happy. And, i secretly become jealous and insecure when I see that happening with other girls and not with me. Oh, the agony of being a woman with the fatal flaw of comparison, but girls, aren't we all guilty of it?! Fearful that we will loose our boyfriends or husbands to that beautiful girl in his office or the supermodel on those cheesy Victoria Secret commercials? Because, let's face it... some of us are just the "great personality" girls and there is definitely competition out there. So, how do I prevent myself from feeling that way? How do i teach myself to be content with myself and my looks? Well, i guess if i knew that answer I'd be rich.

Consequently I am glad that I don't have guys flocking around me... it would be difficult to have to turn them all down, and I think Mike might get a little annoyed by that! (hehe!)


Courtney said...
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