So, it's been five months and it appears that I'm no closer to having a job than I was five months ago, which, frankly sucks and would possibly suggest I'm doing something wrong. Maybe I should start wearing low-cut tops and short skirts?! At any rate, I'm poor and feeling claustrophobic and contemplating other avenues for my life. Here is a list of things I could possibly do in lue of a job (vote for your favorite!).
1) Join a branch of the military (My dad's suggestion since the day I graduated from college...hmmm)
2) Become a nun (I've always thought it would nice to not worry about doing my hair..it would also save me from those wasted minutes deciding what to wear)
3) Commit a crime (I could subsequently turn myself in and spend time in jail, which would mean I would probably be able to get a prison job as well as further my education for free...possibly learn a new language and some really important survival skills!)
4) Go back to school (and further into debt!)
5) Move back in with the 'rents (and back to Rochester, the land of no opportunity...hey, at least it's free!)
6) Join the circus (this one poses a problem...I don't really have any circus-like talents or freaky deformities...maybe I could be a spokesperson?)
7) Go on the road with Death Cab For Cutie (I've always wanted to be a band-aid and then maybe Ben would realize what he's been missing all along!)
8) Hitchhike around the country (....just yikes!)
9) Get myself kidnapped (this would free me of all guilt associated with not having a job... it's not my fault I'm chained to a bed and don't have the ability to search the internet for jobs, thank you very much) and last but not least:
10) Become a Gold-digger (seriously, I live in Arizona, how hard can it be to find a wealthy old man who has no one to share his wealth with? I could totally live off of that!)
I guess things could be worse and I should really be thankful for the fact that I am blessed enough to have family and friends who love me and put up with me (for the most part) and besides it's Christmas: the most wonderful time of the year, how can I possibly be depressed?! Especially when Santa is coming to town...who wouldn't be excited!!
Merry Christmas, Lovelies!
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