Thursday, December 22, 2005

I love old people, they can be so random! Today I was rushing through Wal-Mart trying to get some last minute shopping done. I stopped by the magazine isle to see if i could find a specialty magazine for a gift. As I was standing there half browsing and half thinking of what else i needed to buy an older man approached and glanced at the magazines for a moment and then turned to me and pointed to US magazine which had an adorable picture of TomKat conoodling on the cover. "These young famous guys" the older man says "they can do whatever they want, they've got so much money. And her," he says motioning toward Katie Holmes, "I used to think she was the cutest little thing. All these movie stars, they get married and split up weeks later." Of course all this time i'm standing there politely agreeing with what he is saying wondering what in the world he is going to say next. And just when I think he is turning to leave, he looks at me and says, "I say all those movie stars are interested in is "shacking up". Leave it to those old men to say something you just wouldn't expect. Make him proud Tom and Katie!

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edhigg said...
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