Monday, November 10, 2008


So much and so little all at once:

First... new music inspiring and haunting me. If you are in need of tunes to keep you warm on these long winter nights, you can't go wrong with Rachael Yamagata's Elephants...Teeth Sinking into Heart. I can't stop listening to Elephants, Sunday Afternoon, Duet, and The Only Fault. Another new favorite of mine is the latest My Brightest Diamond album, A Thousand Shark's Teeth...beautiful and enchanting. Don't miss Ice and the Storm, Apples, Inside a Boy, and The Diamond. She has a totally unique sound that may take a little getting used to, but I promise it is so worth it!

I've been messing with light and shadow a little with my camera, nothing too super exciting, but I thought I'd share a photo from the other day. Thoughts?

If you are in need of a good book this winter and you have ignorantly or otherwise over-looked a gem of a writer (who hails from small town Indiana, don't hold it against her!) you MUST read The Solace of Leaving Early by Haven Kimmel. I read this book about 4 years ago when I lived in Florida and I get it out every year and re-read it!

Last but not least..I'll leave you with poems...enjoy!

***ode to those who don't get along (or what marriage is really like?)***

we are children
who can't get along
knowing neither why nor how
and caring even less; we are siblings
where is our mother?
who with bated breath demands
commands us to our separate corners-
ending the war.
we have no mother:
we are grown.
we have only us-
missing love

***Great (or what I want marriage to be like)***

What would be great is this:
you and me holding hands
and the wind is blowing my hair
and you reach over and brush
the hair from my face.

And what would be great is this:
You and me laughing
and falling all over each other
because what I said was just so funny
like that night in your bed.

And what would be great is this:
The feel and taste of your lips against mine
and our breath lingering
and our mouths opening and closing
to a rhythm only we can feel

What would be great is this:
you and me
in our rocking chairs
holding each other closer than before
and repeating stories of when we were young
so long ago