Tuesday, September 26, 2006

"there are two great lies that i’ve heard:“the day you eat of the fruit of that tree, you will not surely die”and that Jesus Christ was a white, middle-class republican and if you wanna be saved you have to learn to be like Him"
~derek webb A King and A Kingdom

****** for more awesome and thought provoking lyrics and music go to www.derekwebb.com or you can download Derek's new album Mockingbird at www.freederekwebb.com !!!

Thursday, September 14, 2006


one thing i really hate...
having a moment, or day that seems so perfect and then realizing that even though it feels perfect it's only the moment or a day; nothing has really changed.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

first days and bad decisions

I started my new job today. it will be interesting and hopefully a lot less stressful than working at Four County. at least it will be 8-5 and salaried and three weeks vacation and free health benefits! i can walk to work too, which has to be the biggest bonus of them all. I met my new co-workers and they both seem very nice and just as confused as i am, which is good, because they just started too :) I did learn a very interesting tidbit about the building i will be working in. The building was built way back in the 1900's and used to be two seperate hotels which housed young professional women who came to indianapolis to work. It was mainly nurses and even a few doctors... which is strange since it was 1920. Anyway, one night a young female doctor was murdered in her hotel room. I don't know any details about the murder, except that it is a cold case and I'm going to do some research. The new property manager for the building will be living in the apartment where the woman was murdered, creepy isn't it? I hope he has some good stories to tell!

On another note, I met a homeless woman outside of my apartment tonight. We had a little conversation... she asked me for food and a pair of jeans and I listened to her talk about her life and how she wished she'd done things differently.. and then tell me that i should start having kids (random)! I told her that the Salvation Army was just down the street and they could get her food, a place to sleep, and some new clothes... and then she said she had to go. I always wonder when i encounter those situations if i'm doing the right thing. Should I have gone to my apartment and given her my bread, or an old pair of jeans? Is it a cop out to tell her about the neighborhood services and send her on her way? What would Jesus' response be? hummm....

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Starting Over

I'm finally settled for awhile, I think, so hopefully for any of you who are still interested in reading this post (and even if there isn't anyone) I'm going to try and get back on the blogging train. So, please join me on this long journey... we'll share some coffee and laughter and maybe even hug at the end!